

The 5th Symposium on Plant Verticillium Interaction

October 20-23, 2023, Wuhan, China

Important dates

  • Early Bird Registration deadline: 10 October 2023
  • Abstract submission deadline: 30 September 2023
  • Meeting date: 20-23 October 2023
  • Acceptance notice: 10-15 days after submission


The meeting will be held from 20 to 23 October 2023 in Wuhan in the early autumn. During late summer, the weather will be quite sunny and warm. The average temperature in October is 22℃ during the day and 13℃ at night. Wuhan is located in central China and is a very beautiful and energetic city with the Yangtze River crossing the city, giving Wuhan an impressive night view by the riverside.

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Getting here

By Train, Plane, Taxi or Driving Directions See Travel page.


Huazhong Agricultrual University Intrernation Communication Center

Telephone: 027-87280141







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Conference notice
Welcome to SPVI2023

The International Verticillium Symposia (IVS) are meetings held every 3-4 years, organized by the nominated member of the International Verticillium Steering Committee. The 13th IVS is being hosted this year by Huazhong Agriculture University in Wuhan, China. The 1st IVS was held in 1971 in Wye College, Kent UK and the most recent, the 12th, took place Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2016. In between, the IVS were held in various parts of the world. This is the first time for IVS held in Asia.

Due to the eruption of COVID-19, we have not conducted a meeting for almost six years. Enormous progress has been achieved over this period in understanding Verticillium genetics and genomics, fungus epidemiology, disease control and management, host-Verticillium interactions and host resistance and we can undoubtedly anticipate further exciting developments.

Now, we look forward to welcoming you to Wuhan to attend this meeting. Wuhan is one of the biggest cities in China, not only with more than 10 million population, but with more than one million graduate and undergraduate students. It is also famous for its long history with more than 3,000 years and profound culture. The people of Wuhan are very hospitable and you will feel right at home here.

The topics will include but are not limited to the following:
              (1) The pathogen and environment;
              (2) Plant immune and signal regulation;
              (3) Disease control and management;
              (4) Young scientist.

For more detailed information about the meeting (including Speakers, Registration fee, etc.), please refer to the Welcome&Info page.

We warmly invite and look forward to welcoming you to attend and participate in the meeting!

The organizing committee